You find yourself stuck within the mind of a strange woman, her thoughts and feelings, details about her on display within each and every section of the labyrinth of bookshelves surrounding you. You're alone, and left free to browse this library at your leisure, though there doesn't seem to be an exit in sight.> Grab a random book
> Search for a non-Daedalic section of this place
> Ignore the story, just show me your page.

You decide to take a book off the shelf, flipping through it haphazardly. The words are arcane and foreign to you, each sentence more maddeningly unknowable than the last, and it's giving you a headache just reading it. Still, though, you feel a strange energy and you find that you can't put the book down, obsessed with the impossible-to-understand teachings within.You grab another book, desperate to understand what these could possibly mean, and the next one you grab is thankfully a lot more decipherable. It's titled "A Self-Indulgent Autobiography" and sure enough, it describes the life of the person that this labyrinth seems to be designed around.> Read the book
> Put it down and find another
> Ignore it and look around.

You find a book that seems like an index of sorts, each page of it describing a different location. Each section has a strange rune on it, the front page of the book telling you that it'll whisk your mind's eye to that location. While this doesn't appear to be a way out, it seems rather useful for reconnaissance.Naturally, if you'd like, you can leave this book on the shelf and go back to the biography, or put it down and look around.

You pick up the book and read it, desperate to find and understand more of the person who designed this labyrinth.

Hey! I go by Lorelai or Rory, and I am a huge nerd who made her carrd a choose your own adventure.My username on most sites is Gobomo, though on a few sites where that's taken I go by Rory.I'm nonbinary and use she/they pronouns. I'm also genderfluid, though it's only in terms of preference to she or they - you won't ever be misgendering me by using one or the other!I'm a lesbian, and I'm also asexual (sex-neutral), which is a label I've only recently adopted.One thing to know before interacting with me is that I'm autistic, so talking with strangers isn't something that comes naturally to me. With that said, feel free to DM me out of the blue even if I don't know you - I love meeting new people! I also have ADHD, though that rarely ends up being a factor in conversations.If you want to contact me on a platform outside of Twitter, my Discord handle is Gobomo#9695.

It's kind of impressive how useless this was in your journey to escape the mind of this person.> Finish reading the book and find another
> Finish reading the book and look around for something else of note.

In looking around, you manage to find two marble tablets affixed to the wall, each engraved with words. The title of the first is "Before You Follow", and right next to it is "Information". Next to these two marble tablets is a lever that seems to be begging to be pulled.

A few things to remember when interacting with me -I am LGBT+ and thus I'm going to be hurt if you're going to be a dickhead about my right to exist. Please don't be that person.Empathy is a struggle for me - if I seem apathetic towards you or your struggles, or it looks like I'm making it all about myself, I promise that I'm doing my best! I do care about the people around me, I just have difficulty expressing it.Although I kin, it's a "for-fun" thing - people who have kin memories are valid as hell, I'm just not one of them.I very rarely have bad intentions, but I may end up saying something hurtful inadvertently. Please tell me if I do, so I can avoid doing so in the future.I generally like to accept any good-faith identities, and I think that most queer discourse is rather pointless. If you're one of the people who's like "DNI if you support bi/pan lesbians" then I don't think you'll want to interact with me, despite my lack of care towards the whole argument beyond "don't bully people."Also, if you're shitty to systems or people with BPD, just don't follow me. I don't think we'd get along.

Some information about my Twitter profile -I tend to tag things that I reblog if they're a trigger of anyone I know, unless I know explicitly that their filtered word list will catch the post. The only exception to this (i.e. non-triggering) is tagging things with "nsfw". Nothing I post is ever explicit (I'm not going to be posting porn), but a lot of it can be suggestive, and so I tag it as NSFW.I have a general-use private account and a NSFW private account. Pretty much anyone I trust enough to not be an asshole is allowed in the former, whereas the latter also has the requirement of you being 18+. Both are places that I go to vent, so be aware before requesting to follow! You can find my private here and my NSFW here. NSFW posts on the latter will not always be tagged, so be aware before requesting to follow!

It's quite fascinating how every new bit of information you seem to glean about this place is utterly irrelevant to you, each simply a way for you to know the person you're trapped in the mind of a bit better. While it's certainly nice to know that this person is gay as hell, it's not exactly something that helps you escape this place.> Go back to that book you saw
> Pull the lever. What's the worst that could happen?

A hidden passageway is open in between the two tablets, just large enough for you to fit inside. While this may be an escape, it may also lead to unknown dangers.> Take the risk and enter
> Put the lever back into position, closing the passageway.

You're now in a circular room, a strange pattern on the ground surrounding a lectern in the center, a book set within. There's an exit back to the room with the stone tablets, and a strange-looking iron doorframe surrounded by candles on the wall. There's no door, though, simply an indentation of stone inside the frame.> Remove one of the candles
> Return from whence you came
> Inspect the lectern

The book inside the lectern details the interests of this person, as well as the characters that they "kin". As it turns out, you're trapped within the mind of a kinnie, a fate worse than death.

I have a few special interests, hyperfixations, and kins! Special interests of mine are generally ones that stick around for a while, whereas hyperfixations come and go. Some of these have links that will elaborate on them a bit more, if you're curious about them or my attitudes towards them! A note about my kins is that I kin for fun - people who have past life kins are valid as hell but I am not one of them!Special Interests -
Postmodernism & Metafiction
Dolls of New Albion (& the greater Shaperaverse)
World of Warcraft
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
Music & Literary Theory
Recurring Hyperfixations -
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Undertale & Deltarune
Kins -
Marjolein (Shaperaverse)
Roxy Lalonde (Homestuck)
Perfuma (SPoP)
Entrapta (SPoP)
Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Ibuki Mioda (Danganronpa)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Neeko (League of Legends)
Sado (The Hex)
Marcy (Amphibia)
Rory (YIIK: A Postmodern RPG)
Kazuki (Chaos;Child)
Diana (Refugees from the Underworld)

> Leave the room and go back to the room with the two tablets.
> Go to the doorframe and remove one of the candles

You remove one of the candles, and the door suddenly opens. Tentatively stepping through, you find yourself in the physical world once more. It seems, after your ordeal, you've managed to escape.

Thank you for playing through my silly little adventure! It's rather linear, and not quite as in-depth as I'd like it to be, but unfortunately there's only so much one can do with Carrd, especially on the free version with only 50 elements. In fact, I had to split this up into two different sites just so that I could include everything I wanted to.If you want to see the more "normal" version of my carrd, you can click here to go there! I hope you enjoyed the short adventure through my mind dungeon that you got to go on :)

Heya! I can see you've decided to skip out on the adventure part of this - perfectly fine, I promise! It's just a little fun thing I decided to do with my carrd to make it a bit more fun and personalized. It's definitely not easy to navigate if you just want to find out about me, so I understand why you want to skip out on it. I recommend, however, looking at it at some point in the future if you haven't! I'm pretty proud of it and it would mean a lot if you played through my silly little story.With that said, click here to go to the more normal version of
my page, or click here to go back and have an adventure in my mind dungeon.